11 Best Homemade Deer Attractants That Work Like Magic

Deer are a favorite game animal for many people. They are known for their beautiful antlers and big bodies. However, deer can be difficult to attract to your vicinity, especially while being patient as a hunter. This is where homemade deer attractants come in handy. Let’s review our top homemade options below.

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1: Cider Vinegar Deer Attractant

This is one of the most popular homemade deer attractants. It is made by mixing cider vinegar and water together. You can spray it on trees, bushes, and other areas that deer frequent.

best homemade deer attractant

2: Garlic Deer Attractant

Another popular deer attractant is garlic. You can place pieces of garlic around your property or even in your garden. The smell of garlic will drive deer away from your property.

3: Cedar Scented Oil Deer Attractant

Cedar scented oil is another popular homemade deer attractant. This oil can be used to make a diffuser or you can even use it to put on trees and shrubs. The smell of cedar will repel deer away from your property.

4: Human Fragrance Deer Attractant 

Human fragrance is another great way to keep deer away from your property. You can use products like cologne or body wash to make the scent irresistible to deer.

5: Havoc Deer Attractant 

Havoc is a new product on the market that uses a combination of scents to repel deer away from your property. This product comes in both liquid and solid form and has a variety of scents that include apple, citrus, pine, mint, and lavender.

6: Pine Sap Deer Attractant

Another popular deer attractant is pine sap. You can make your own mix of pine sap and water to use as a spray or you can even put it on trees and bushes. The smell of pine will drive deer away from your property.

7: Human Urine Deer Attractant

Human urine is yet another great way to keep deer away from your property. You can use products like cologne or body wash to make the scent irresistible to deer.

8: Fishmeal Deer Attractant

Fishmeal is another popular deer attractant. You can buy premixed fishmeal baits or you can make your own mix using fishmeal, baking soda, and water. The smell of fishmeal will drive deer away from your property.

9: Corn Kernels Deer Attractant

Corn kernels are another popular deer attractant. You can buy corn kernel baits or you can make your own mix using corn, salt, and water. The smell of corn will drive deer away from your property.

10: Hay Pellets Deer Attractant

Hay pellets are another popular deer attractant. You can buy hay pellet baits or you can make your own mix using hay, salt, and water. The smell of hay will drive deer away from your property.

11: Wheat Grass Juice Deer Attractant

Wheatgrass juice is a popular deer attractant. You can buy wheatgrass juicers or you can make your own mix using wheatgrass, water, and lemon juice. The smell of wheatgrass will drive deer away from your property.


These are the best homemade deer attractants that work like magic! If you have any other suggestions, please let us know in the comments below.

There are a lot of great deer attractants out there, but these are the best homemade ones that we’ve found. They all work by attracting deer to your yard in some way, whether it’s by using scents that they’re used to or by providing something they need.

Some of the best deer attractants that are homemade include garlic, fresh herbs, citrus fruits, and even cedar chips. Garlic is one of the oldest and most popular deer attractants out there, and it works by releasing a strong scent that attracts both animals and bugs. Fresh herbs such as thyme and rosemary also release a great smell that will lure in any deer within sniffing distance. Citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits also have a really strong scent that will attract any deer within range. Cedar chips are another great option for making your own deer attractant because they provide something essential for deer: water. Not only do they smell great, but adding them to your garden or lawn will keep them hydrated all summer long which will help them stay healthy and active during hunting season.

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